Assemble your best buds, text your school mum mates and save the date, because our latest instalment of the Old Skool Pub Quiz is here!
May 2nd / 8:30 - 10pm and once again our fabulous manager, Jess, aka Quiz Mistress Extraordinaire, will be at the helm to test your cognitive prowess.
We’ve been delighted by the response of these quiz nights so far, with both previous events being fully booked and everyone having a blast. May’s theme “Music, Movies & Memorable Moments in History” is set to be another fun night and we can’t wait!
One of our biggest goals when creating The Chubby Frog was to host events that would bring back a bit of community spirit, something we feel was lost in the pandemic. I can’t tell you how much joy it brings us to see our little colourful & cosy pub full to the brim with people enjoying good food, good drinks and good company.
We’ve kept it super simple, so here's what you need to know:
Teams of up to 6 / £10 a team / booking ahead is essential
Top prize is cash, the more teams that enter, the more money there is to win!
Runners up win Brunch for 2 and a bottle of Bubbly for 3rd place
So don’t hang about, gather your team mates and join us on May 2nd by booking in here
See you there!
Hayley & Craig x